A Night at the Farm: Elevate Youth Hosts Dinner with Codman Farms!

What better way to welcome autumn than with a dinner celebrating friends, giving, and seasonal treats?

Supporters from near and far came to show their support for Elevate Youth at our dinner co-hosted by Codman Community Farms in Lincoln, MA. Our Night on the Farm lucked out on a perfect crisp September evening this Thursday to enjoy mocktails, cocktails, and delicious food. Underneath twinkling fairy lights, our group enjoyed produce grown and crafted by Codman Farms kitchen and staff. A huge shout out to Jess Myles who spearheaded this effort on behalf of Codman Farms! Participants of the dinner enjoyed zucchini, radishes, tomatoes, kale, and more straight from Codman fields to our plates. Everyone who enjoyed our Night at the Farm was also able to leave with a sweet treat from Gebbies’ Maplehurst Farm.

This magical evening would not have been possible without our stalwart supporter, funder, and head of the E.A.T. initiative, Gay Crowley. Gay has dedicated much of her adult life to getting more youth outdoors and supporting community-led organizations. Here at EY she is pivotal in guiding healthy lifestyle and eating choices among our kids and families. Thank you Gay!

We tend to spend most of our time focused on the office and our home lives, but taking a step back to appreciate our communities is something Elevate Youth loves to foster. Our Night on the Farm allowed us to reconnect on what matters most- the future of our communities and how we can all lend a helping hand.

Elevate Youth is incredibly grateful to be able to spread our message to new interested individuals in and around the Boston area. We are always looking to share the work we do in the hopes of extending outdoor programming to new schools and neighborhoods, in addition to attracting new donors who are passionate about our mission. If you are interested in donating your time, talent, or treasure, please check out our trip calendar, donate page, and more on the website!

Sophie Gould