Harlem Lacrosse Boston Ski trip to Wachusett Mountain


When its a bluebird day, the snow is perfect, and the kids have ear to ear smiles you know it is going to be a great day!  We set out from TechBoston Academy just after 7:30am, with a total of 5 boys, 4 girls, 2 mentors, and 2 Elevate Youth staff.  On the way to Wachusett, we got everyone to name their spirit animal, with black panthers and big cats being the favorite.  Our transportation was provided from Skedaddle, a local company that provides excellent service and James, our fearless driver, noted his spirit animal is a flamingo!

We arrived at the mountain at 9:15am and our amazing volunteer Nick Chertavian had already navigated the masses and located our designated room with ski tickets and rental vouchers ready to go.  Wachusett Mountain, and especially Jeff Crowley, have been incredible to work with and their generosity and willingness to get underserved youth on the mountain is truly commendable.    


By 10am we were geared up and ready for our Learn to Ski class.  Mark and Maureen, our two Wachusett Mountain ski instructors were patient, informative, and enthusiastic.  Within an hour we had kids making "S" turns and the fun factor skyrocketed.  Surprisingly, we had to beg the kids to come in for lunch-- all they wanted to do was ski!

We had a great lunch of healthy food and lots of laughs.  As we made our way back out to the mountain for our afternoon lessons, the Harlem Lacrosse mentors and the Elevate Youth staff made sure to touch base with each youth and go over specific goals for the afternoon.  Making goals is imperative for gaining self confidence and this group thrived in achieving their goals.


Every participant was able to make turns, stop, and feel confident on the slopes.  Before we knew it, our time had come to an end and just like before lunch, we had to beg the kids to take off their skis and get ready for the trip home.

We ended our time at Wachusett doing some "shoutouts".  All the kids commended each other on their new found abilities and it was truly a special moment.  One participant, thanked his mentors and the EY staff for helping him up after each time he fell.  This is what its all about!  Supportive adults helping youth reach their full potential in a space outside of their comfort zone.  

We cannot wait for our next adventure with Harlem Lacrosse!

Alec Griswold